Control your car mid-air using your steering controls (left analog stick or WASD).
Roll your car backward so your car faces the sky.
Here are the steps on how to perform an aerial: You can use this skill to take flight and hit the ball in mid-air in order to make a save or take a shot. This is done by using boost to fly and take off into the air like a rocket. One of the most fundamental skills that will elevate players to the next level in RL is pulling off aerials. It just happens to be the tried and tested favorite of the professionals. Even though the Octane is the most popular, that doesn’t mean that it’s objectively the best. It is not difficult to be competitive in high-ranks, such as Grand Champion and Supersonic Legend, using the other battle cars. Additionally, it has the most customization options available to it. Its average height and length allows it to perform well in most scenarios. The most competitively used hitbox in the game is the Octane. This means that although these cars look different, many of them perform the same on the pitch. These include Octane, Dominus, Plank, Breakout, Hybrid and Merc (the newest addition to the game). However, there are only six hitbox classes available in Rocket League. There is a huge roster of battle cars to select from. If you’re new to Rocket League and looking to dive into the competitive playlist right away, this is our essential RL beginner’s guide to learning the basics and setting yourself up for future success on the field. Rocket League has finally gone free-to-play, and just in time for its fifth anniversary.